Wednesday, July 30, 2008

20 Week Update

Ok-here's the half way mark belly shot. My belly has such a weird shape. I had my 20 week appointment today and everything looks great. My blood pressure is normal, I've only gained 5 lbs so far, and the doctor said that everything from our 18 week ultrasound looked great. (which reminds me I need to scan those!) My belly is measuring a week ahead at 21 cm and we're still on track for a December 17th due date for our baby girl. Her heartbeat was at 160 which is good. I'm having a pretty normal and uneventful pregnancy which is A-OK with me. At my next visit I'll be seeing a midwife. It should be interesting. I'll also get the prescription/sheet for the fun one hour glucose tolerance test then too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I pass but I have a feeling I'm going to fail.

I am feeling pretty good. A bit tired but no other complaints. I feel like I'm huge already but when I compared with my belly shots of James, I look about the same. At our first heartbeat visit, the doctor thought I was measuring at least a month ahead. She asked if I was sure that my dates were correct and I assured her yes to which she asked if twins ran in the family. *gulp* Uh-nooooo. She asked if we'd be willing to get an ultrasound done if we could be fit in to ensure the dating was accurate and that there were not twins in there. Early picture of our baby(ies?) of course we would! They could fit us in about an hour and a half later so we wandered around the Target near the doctor's office nervous, excited, and scared. So when we went back-guess what-just one baby in there. Phew! Twins would be a blessing but I don't know if I could handle it all.

That's about it. I haven't bought anything girly yet as I'm always skeptical about the ultrasounds. Even though James was correct and the tech told us she was 99% sure this was a girl, I don't know if I believe it yet.


Jessica said...

Yes! You need to scan those! Eagerly awaiting...

Anonymous said...

HOW EXCITING! How have you been explaining things to Jamie? Are you getting him all excited about having another sibling? Is he understanding a bit of it yet? Ryan and I are so happy for you, Jake, and Jamie!

Teriana said...

The second I saw that photo it made me think of a stupid answer on an old Family Feud episode. The question was what month does a pregnant woman start to look pregnant? They were of course looking for answers like fourth month, third month, etc. This woman said, "September." The host lost it.

Kristen M. said...

Congratulations. I'm trying to guess how the baby was positioned based on the shape of your stomach.
Fun times.

My husband and I were told that our dtr was a boy...we didn't find out until after she was born and by that time we had the football nursery all ready for her. It made for a great story. And we were thrilled to have a girl. Plus I was so tired from the delivery that I didn't really care at that point!