Sunday, March 09, 2008

Random 3

I haven't done one of these in awhile. Watching Saturday Night Live this weekend reminded me of my Random & Random 2 blog posts. Saturday Night Live pointed out how much Kristen Wiig and Amy Adams look alike, however, every time I've seen Amy Adams on TV this week, I thought she was Isla Fisher. Here are the three of them:


Teriana said...

I don't know who any of these people are. Was that one on the bottom on Scary Movie 2?

Joanne said...

Kristen Wiig is the "Target Lady" & "Penelope" on SNL among other characters. Amy Adams has been in a lot of stuff, but nothing that stands out to me. Isla Fisher was the crazy sister in Wedding Crashers. (She's on the bottom)

Teriana said...

Oh, right. That's where I recognize Isla from.

Jen said...

DUDE- I ALWAYS confuse Isla Fischer and Amy Adams. I totally thought they were the same person until like, JUST NOW.

Jessica said...

Yeah, even with your explanations, I still don't know who any of these people are.

How did I get to be so uncool, unhip, and totally not with it?