Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Important Tips

Yesterday I spent part of my day visiting my primary care physician and then filling a prescription for antibiotics. No I am not sick, I have however, been suffering from an annoying earache.

After a shower a few weeks ago, I was using a Q-tip to clean water out of the inside of my ear. When I removed the Q-tip from my right ear I noticed that a LOT less cotton came out than went in. Uh-oh. I unsuccessfully used two mirrors to try to see inside my ear. Of course I couldn't see a thing. Ok-not a big deal. I let a few days go ear felt fine, but I couldn't just leave the cotton in there, could I? I slept only on my right side hoping the cotton would just fall out in my sleep. Finally I decided to try and rinse the cotton out in the shower. I used the showerhead to spray water into my ear (where did I get this brilliant idea from?). After the shower I cleaned my ear with peroxide and hoped I was done with this.

Fast forward to last week when my ear started feeling plugged. *gulp* And when it started feeling watery. Damn! And I got a few headaches and only my right nostril got plugged up a few times. I finally told Jake. He told me it was no big deal and called me silly. The doctor also told me it wasn't a big deal and that it happens all the time. (apparently there are other idiots like me out there who don't follow directions) I was so embarrassed to have to admit to putting Q-tips in my ear. Ya know how you feel when you get a speeding ticket? I felt the same way. Busted! The good news was that there was no cotton in my ear. She told me however, that it looked like I had fluid behind my eardrum and no matter how much it felt like there was water in my ear, there probably wasn't-so keep Q-tips out. I will!

At least I hope I will. Is this the first time this has happened to me? Unfortunately not. *THIS is the REAL embarrassing part* Years ago while cleaning out my ears I had the same thing happen in the same ear! Yes, you are allowed to call me a moron. However the situation remedied itself (without a doctor visit or earache) and although I swore never to use cotton swabs IN my ears again, I surmised that it probably happened because I was using a generic brand. Since then I ONLY use Q-tip the King of cotton swabs! But I guess I've proved this theory wrong. Will I put Q-tips in my ears again? Probably. But I am swearing them off for now. Maybe the 3rd time will be the charm. Also, I guess name brand doesn't always necessarily mean better quality.


Bev Sykes said...

Hi--came here through QOTD. I've heard that you should not clean your ears with a Q-tip. I never understood what could happen until now!

Anonymous said...

I am guilty as charged. Since I was little my mom used to clean my ears with Q-tips. Until I started using make up when I got older, I couldn't think of any other reason for them but to clean ears. I continue to clean my ears with Q-tips. I'm just always cautious about how far I stick the q-tip in and the amount of pressure I use. Once or twice I used too much force or stuck it in too far and my ear was sore, but other than that, I've never had a problem. I hate feeling like I have water in my ears (I used to be a diver) and like to clean them out. Not to mention that I have seen WAAAAY too many people who have yellowy ear wax in their ears and it totally grosses me out. Yes, I know ear wax has it's purpose, but.....

Jessica said...

Nope. Never stick Q-tips in my ears.