Wednesday, July 26, 2006

One Month Old

Today James is one month old. I can't believe that time is passing so fast. He had a check-up today at the pediatricians office and is already at 9lbs. and 14oz. My baby is almost a 10 pounder! I guess I have enough milk for him. Unfortunately the doctor could give us no advice about his being up all night and eating every 1 to 2 hours...(I didn't think there was anything to do about it) but said James is a healthy weight and looks really good. Afterwards we spoiled him with a trip to Babies R' Us where we picked up some new clothes and a few necessities. The doctor also advised us to pick up vitamins for him. Who knew there was such a thing as baby vitamins!?! Apparently breast milk lacks vitamins A, C, & D so they will make up for it.

It is amazing but scary how much progress he has made since being born. (Scary because I get anxious that he is growing too fast-yet I look forward to the next advancements he'll make) He is more awake during the daytime and so alert. His eyes are starting to focus better and I love when he stares at my face when I talk to him. I like moving him to a new room and watching as something will catch his attention and he'll turn his head and stare at it. He also recognizes our voices and will often turn his head towards us if he hears us speak while he is in someone elses arms (like Grandma or Grandpa's). He can lift his head pretty high although he can't support the weight of his chubby little cheeks and head. His body has also filled out with the weight gain giving him fat little thighs. We often call him baby bird because of the way he opens his mouth and roots around when he is hungry, before he gets frustrated and starts jamming his fists in his mouth. We also call him little horse for the funny little snickers and whiney noises he makes.

I love watching Jake with him too. He is such a good dad. It was nice to see him overcome his fears about being a dad and taking care of a baby and the other day, when I had to go to a bridal shower, although I didn't want to leave Jamie, I felt confident leaving him with Jake. I wasn't worried at all. *sigh* I love them so much. I love our little family. I love that I can be home and spend each moment with Jamie (even though I am often sleep deprived, or unshowered, or feel like the kid is permanently attached to my breast sometimes) But I am sure when he is older, I'll miss this time we spent together.


Anonymous said...

I just clicked through from Kelly in Arlington, and it's crazy, the things you're saying are just identical to another blog I read really regularly, at - their little one was born around the same time. You're not the same person are you?? ;-)

Seems new parenthood brings with it the same challenges and joys wherever you are. Hx

Jessica said...

Hey, our kids are almost the same age. (Yes, I searched your blog to find out when Jamie was born. They're only a few days apart.) I was really curious about how old he was when I saw the teethy photos. Seth doesn't have any teeth yet. Thank goodness, b/c breastfeeding is already uncomfortable enough. I'm not looking forward to any biting.