1. "There are jobs Americans aren't doing. ... If you've got a chicken factory, a chicken-plucking factory, or whatever you call them, you know what I'm talking about." --George W. Bush. Tipp City, Ohio, April 19, 2007
2. "I'm going to try to see if I can remember as much to make it sound like I'm smart on the subject." --George W. Bush, answering a question about a possible flu pandemic, Cleveland, July 10, 2007
3. "I've got God's shoulder to cry on. And I cry a lot. I do a lot of crying in this job. I'll bet I've shed more tears than you can count, as president." --George W. Bush, as quoted by author Robert Draper in Dead Certain

5. "Make no mistake about it, I understand how tough it is, sir. I talk to families who die." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2006
6. Maria Bartiromo: "I'm curious, have you ever googled anybody? Do you use Google?"
President Bush: "Occasionally. One of the things I've used on the Google is to pull up maps. It's very interesting to see -- I've forgot the name of the program -- but you get the satellite, and you can -- like, I kinda like to look at the ranch. It remind me of where I wanna be sometimes." --interview with CNBC's Maria Bartiromo, Oct. 24, 2006
7. President Bush: "Peter. Are you going to ask that question with shades on?"
Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times: "I can take them off."
Bush: "I'm interested in the shade look, seriously."
Wallsten: "All right, I'll keep it, then."
Bush: "For the viewers, there's no sun."
Wallsten: "I guess it depends on your perspective."
Bush: "Touche.
--an exchange with legally blind reporter Peter Wallsten, to whom Bush later apologized, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006
8. "You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you're gone." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 5, 2006
9. "I strongly believe what we're doing is the right thing. If I didn't believe it -- I'm going to repeat what I said before -- I'd pull the troops out, nor if I believed we could win, I would pull the troops out." --George W. Bush, Charlotte, N.C., April 6, 2006
10. "You took an oath to defend our flag and our freedom, and you kept that oath underseas and under fire." --George W. Bush, addressing war veterans, Washington, D.C., Jan. 10, 2006
11. "Wow! Brazil is big." --George W. Bush, after being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brasilia, Brazil, Nov. 6, 2005
12. "I always jest to people, the Oval Office is the kind of place where people stand outside, they're getting ready to come in and tell me what for, and they walk in and get overwhelmed in the atmosphere, and they say, man, you're looking pretty." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 2004
13. "I hear there's rumors on the Internets that we're going to have a draft." --George W. Bush, second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004
You can get more Bushisms at About.com Political Humor.
Great liat.
Happy TT!
Great lists here! :D
Mines up here;
Thursday Thirteen
Happy TT!
Came over from Cactus, great list and I also, I should have votes for Sombrero Fighting. That was a stroke of genius. I didn't see it when I was originally posting and I humbly apologize. :)
LMAO...oh my, what do you say to these?? Happy TT.
Not exactly a Churchill or a JFK is he!
Thanks for posting these on the Internets for us all to enjoy.
I cannot stand his administration or his neocon aspirations and yet (don't tell anyone) there are things about him I sort of love. If Jeb had got the presidency, he'd be the Billy Carter of his generation.
Oh dear. Do you laugh or cry?
My TT is up here if you want to check it out.
Happy TT!
That's just awful! My lists are up: Salome's Corner and Unusual Historicals.
OMG, he's such a joke.
Thanks for the laugh! I'm always up for bushisms.
Hahaha, what a funny list. Happy TT!
great list! he's my favorite "comedian"! :)
He really is good for a laugh! Really sad that HE represents our country! I never wanted him the 1st time. I knew he'd just screw things up. I LOVE read BUSHISMS! you should do more!
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